Find the freedom to respond more consciously and creatively to life
Do you feel overwhelmed by the speed of life and the amount of things you need to fit into a day. Are you suffering from physical or emotional pain or simply the sensation of life becoming increasingly overwhelming or meaningless? If any of these scenarios are familiar then Mindfulness may be something for you.
By training the attention and cultivating compassion towards oneself and others, Mindfulness can help reduce stress, improve the quality of sleep, increase clarity of thinking and help in making better choices by focusing on the things that are important and letting go of those that aren’t.
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Get a taster of the peace of mind Mindfulness can bring
At the core of Mindfulness is the practice of meditation. To get a taster of the calm and peace of mind that Mindfulness can bring you could begin by trying a guided meditation practice.
In this meditation we establish a sense of grounding, become more aware of the nature of the breath and learn how to respond to the repeated wanderings of the mind.
About the teacher
Robin is trained to the highest standard in compliance with the UK network for teacher trainers and with an accredited Post Graduate qualification as a Mindfulness instructor from the University of Exeter. More about Robin >